Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Opposition between subject and object

1. Two important common thoughts of writers in the post-industrial life between 1960's were “linguistic expression” and “materialization”. They believed in liguistic relationships between the truth and real world. Every thought must be expressed in their opinions because sensual perceptions may deceive us, as they believe that words are clear and help us in understanding things and reality of the world. Also these writers attempt to examine the nature of the language as it describes and creates reality.

Lefebvre in his books argues that production has an idea of materialization of one thought in itself. With the act of production, ideas are materialized, and knowledge, ideologies, images, languages and signs are produced. In chapter five of his book, he thinks “Social space per se is at once work and product-a materialization of social being.” In another part he claims that “in actuality liguistics can legitimately concern itself only with the deciphering of texts and massages, with coding and decoding. After all man does not live by words alone.” In his opinion, linguistics has become a meta language in recent decades and with analysis of metalanguages he tries not only to limit himself to the language but also to establish a true relationship with the material and the real world. this is because he beleives “ the language of things is useful for lying as it is for telling the truth.”

For Lefebvre, production is opposition between subject and object. As a matter of fact, production is an object that is the result of a subject. Having said this about production of social spaces, could planners make one object for each subject? could we have neutral spaces?

2. what he means when he talks about fetishism?through which process a thing becomes absolute? what are meant by use value and exchange value in “pure form” ? what is “dialectical centrality” and the relationship between form and its contents? what are his intentions by "saturation points"?

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